Today It Becomes Too Real

This week has been one that I would rather not repeat anytime soon. Tuesday December 13, 2011 my oldest daughter turned 12 somewhere around 7:30 in the morning. Earlier at approximately 1.a.m. my friend since the 5th grade was killed in one vehicle accident. Today we say our goodbyes to her.

OCD in the mornings led to a shock

First thing in the morning I always turn on my computer and check FB for messages before I do anything else. This fateful morning was no different, only this time it held a heartbreaking surprise. I saw the news of her death pop up in my news feed. I only heard the beep that signaled the missed calls on my phone but did not process that as being what it was. When I finally did I discovered to miss calls. The time on them, I read it wrong and thought they were from the day before. If I had paid attention I could have returned the call and found out in a more personal manner because they had tried to call me.

Now I must go get ready to say goodbye one last time. Or is it until we meet again?