Definitely a Monday

It is Monday and I can certainly tell. At 4:30 this morning I was woken up by a four legged, meowing alarm clock that had let himself in for what appeared to be no other reason than to tell me he was hungry. It was not long after I took care of his food wishes and put him back outside that I realized I have a nice painful toothache. I also don’t know why I have a toothache but my lower jaw would feel slightly swollen. I get to put the kid on the bus then see if I can find a dentist that will work with me to go see later in the week. I would also want to make sure that they will not pull it if it is infected but treat the infection first. Pulling a tooth that is infected hurts, I know I’ve had it done and I never want to feel that amount of pain in my mouth again.

I managed to get some work done this weekend and am hoping that the rest of this week goes as well as planned. I hope to make sure that all four of my blogs are as current as possible, finish the two new hubs I began and then write a few diary pages with links to older articles in them. This is going to be an interesting week. I plan to focus on working enough to fit in those end of year gifts for my girls and not be in debt after the holiday. At least not from gift buying anyway!

It is only a two day school week so I am hoping that I will manage to get a great deal of work done. My most productive times used to be very late at night but that left me tired all day. It was like magic however when it got too late for me to function I would wake up and get more done in those wee morning hours than I had all day long.

Well, it’s almost time to get the kid dressed and out the door so I’m going to be going. I still haven’t put my shoes on and if I try to do it after she is dressed there is a good chance I’ll be standing at the end of the driveway bare footed.

Another Week and It’s Almost Productive So Far

Well, it’s Monday once again! I’m not sure why I’m so happy about that fact, maybe it’s because I managed to get Theresa fed, give her the morning supplements, dress her and put her on the school bus. All without a tantrum or running behind. I set my alarm for 5:15 this morning and managed to get up in time to get most of what I needed done.

I have spend this morning (and part of yesterday) editing older articles to improve them. I plan to edit all the ones that I don’t have to send request for first. I’m adding links to related articles where I can, the ones that can’t are still being edited for improvements of minor, silly errors that I don’t believe they should have been published with.

Well, I’ve only got a couple more hours to work uninterrupted and I need to try and pick up the toys to vacuum before the little one gets home. I also want to clean her room a little while she’s gone so I’ll go for now.