Minimum Work Ability

I have managed to get some work done and submitted during the last few days. I’m not sure how much more I can get done but that little bit makes me feel better than I did. I am working on some articles in my word processor only to discover that I prefer the use of Google Docs to write articles in which gives me the advantage of online storage. The one problem is that I can not check my grammar meaning I have to be extra careful. I guess that would help improve my writing if I am always responsible for my own editing as word processors do not catch everything.

I know I am going to have to purchase more internet to get by until the first of the month. I have a feeling that I will need to spring for unlimited access prior to the first of the month. I wish I had been able to afford it when I got my new device. I do enjoy once again not being tied to my desk however. I will get back to unlimited access I have to I have used up half my data allotment in the last three days. The end of the month is a couple weeks away. At least I can write offline until I get it back if I run out of data. I can resist the urge to over draw my bank account just to have Internet access and do without it as long as I have some way to write.

Well, I’m running short on time so I”m going to go get back to the work I’d planned to do online before I call it a day.