
OK I went to the Dollar General and spent just under $38 on some food, baby wipes and trash bags. Not too bad until you realize that I got very little because of rising costs.

20ounce coke – $1.35
1/2 gallon milk – $2.95
chunk chicken – $1
2 cans of treat at $1.15 each
2 canned ham at $2.95 each

well you get the idea, when the budget is as tight as mine is lately you need to make money stretch a bit and this isn’t making me confident that we’ll have enough to get by until the next payday. got three bars of Colgate Octagon soap at 55 cents each at a different store.  I got one bar to do dishes and clean the walls with when the Zote runs out eliminating a trip to another store. The other two are for my laundry soap since I wanted to increase the soap content in it after this last batch.

That’s about it so I’ll be getting to work and house cleaning now.